
  • Haji Muhammad Aslam Channa1 Bhojo Mal Tanwani2 Wazir Ahmed Baloch3 . Roohi Kawal4 Muhammad Adnan Channa5


KEYWORDS: Ciprofloxacin, ZnCl2, Hepatocyte count per field, Hepatocyte size, Hepatocyte nucleus, immature Albino-rat liters.


OBJECTIVE: Current research was based on the detection of the effects of the supplementation of Zinc
chloride along with the ciprofloxacin on hepatic tissues of immature albino rat liters. Immature Albino rats
have been used for the post natal studies. SETTING / DESIGN: Department of Anatomy. Gambat Medical
College Gambat / Pir Abdul Qadir Shah Jeelani Institute of Medical Sciences Gambat District Khairpur
Mirs. TIME DURATION: One year from Jan 202O Dec 2020. MATERIAL & METHODS: Different
doses of Ciprofloxacin and Zinc chloride has been given to immature albino rat liters. Ciprofloxacin was
used as a curative dose two times for 14 days. Days have been counted from the day of the birth of Albino
rats. Dose of 20mg/ kg of Ciprofloxacin has been given to the rat liters while Zinc chloride has been given
in 120 µg/100 gm of body weight. The parameters which were evaluated included hepatocyte count,
hepatocyte size and variations in the nucleus. All the estimated values have been contrasted with the values
estimated from the control group. Statistical assessment have been done to achieve the significant values.
RESULT: This study shows that variations has been found in total count of liver cells after the
administration of ciprofloxacin in post natal albino rats. Decline in mean hepatocyte count has been noted.
A major variation has been seen in the hepatocyte count which also included reduction in hepatocyte size,
and nucleus size per field as they have been declined by 203.7 ± 0.41, 08.12 ± 0.06 µm and 4.37 ± 0.12 µm
respectively. While the supplementation of Zinc chloride along with the ciprofloxacin retained the mean
hepatocyte count, size and their nucleus size by 212.4 ± 0.47 µm, 10.47 ± 0.04 and 5.36 ± 0.03 µm
correspondingly. The values which have been estimated from control group includes 213.71 ± 0.40 µm,
10.28 ± 0.02 µm and 5.46 ± 0.09 µm for the mean hepatocyte count, hepatocyte size as well as their nucleus
size correspondingly. CONCLUSION: Current findings dealt with the effects of Zinc chloride with
Ciprofloxacin on post-natal albino rat liters which revealed that supplementation of Zinc chloride along
with ciprofloxacin decreases the alteration rates of normal liver cells counts. Zinc chloride has minimized
the hazardous effects of Ciprofloxacin on the mean hepatocyte count, their sizes and the morphological
structure of their nuclei also found maintained after the addition of Zinc chloride supplements.


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How to Cite

Haji Muhammad Aslam Channa1 Bhojo Mal Tanwani2 Wazir Ahmed Baloch3 . Roohi Kawal4 Muhammad Adnan Channa5. (2021). "CIPROFLOXACIN-INDUCED HEPATOTOXICITY IS ATTENUATED BY PRETREATMENT WITH ANTIOXIDANT AGENT IN IMMATURE ALBINO- RAT LITERS”. Journal of Peoples University of Medical &Amp; Health Sciences Nawabshah. (JPUMHS), 11(3), 100–105. Retrieved from