Comparative Study on Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) Surgery with Silicon Tube Intubation and Without Silicon Tube Intubation


  • Maqbool Ahmed', Prof Amjad Ali Sahto2, Ali Muhammad', Nisar Ahmed , Kainat Saleem’


Keywords: Outcome in DCR, Silicon Tube Implantation, Lacrimal syringing


Aim and Objective: To compare the outcome of dacryocystorhinostomy surgery with silicone tube intubation and without silicone tube intubation at Makkah Eye Hospital Khartoum, Sudan.

Methodology: A total 140 were operated for nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO), at Makkah Eye Hospital Khartoum, Sudan. 70 patients were operated with silicon tube intubation and 70 patients operated without silicontube. The pfericy of Lacrimal drainage system was evaluated with springing of lacrimal system. Age, gender, laterality, and on third month visit lacrimal irrigation were recorded. Surgical success was accepted as the patency of the formed ostium with lacrimal springing/ irrigation. Data was analysed using the average, standard deviation, variation coefficient, and the statistical significance was determined using t-test.

Results: The results of our study was patients with silicon tube intubation success rate was higher 94.289c as compare to patients without silicon tube intubation 88.57% , with p-value (p>0.05).

Conclusion: Our study shows that dacyocystcdiinmtoiny with silicmi intubatimi has higher success rate, although

results were insignificant statistically.



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How to Cite

Maqbool Ahmed’, Prof Amjad Ali Sahto2, Ali Muhammad’, Nisar Ahmed , Kainat Saleem’. (2019). Comparative Study on Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) Surgery with Silicon Tube Intubation and Without Silicon Tube Intubation. Journal of Peoples University of Medical &Amp; Health Sciences Nawabshah. (JPUMHS), 9(2), 38–42. Retrieved from