Histopathological Variants of Ovarian Tumors in Fertile Age Groups Females


  • Kousar Parveen, Bandar Khatoon Chandio, Qamar Raza Brohi, Ghulam Asghar Chandio, Amir Harnzo Dahri, Qurratulain Soomro


Key Word: Ovarian Tumors, H istopathol ogical Variants, Reproductive Age Group.


Objectives: To record the histopathological variants of ovarian tumors in different decades of reproductive age group females in Nawabshah. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the Pathology department, Peoples University of Medical Health & Sciences, and NORIN Cancer Hospital Nawabshah, during the period of 2 years (Ju1y2015-July20l 7). Total 180 cases were included in our study, 29 patients were included from NORIN, 32 were included from private hospitals and 119 patients were taken from Gynecology & Surgical units of Peoples Medical College Hospital. A proforma was filled by the researcher before surgery. After surgery the biopsy specimens were processed for Histo-pathological evaluation in the pathology department. Haeniatoxylin & Eosin method for staining was routinely used, while Masson Trichrome and periodic Acid Schiff staining used for undifferentiated tumors. All the data collected was statistically analyzed and the results were tabulated. Results: Among all the cases of ovarian tumors, 76% were benign tumors. I % were borderline tumors and 23% were malignant tumors. The commonest tumors, 83(),.0 were Surface epithelial tumors. Germ cell tumors were 16%, the second common variety but less common, Sex-cord stromal tumors were 1' in frequency, Among all tumors the benign epithelial variety was commonest 58% with frequency among all benign tumors, whereas the malignant counterpart comprises of 83% among all malignant tumors of ovary. The benign tumors of ovary seen more common than malignant ovarian tumors. The benign surface epithelial tumors were more prevalent before 40 years of age. while malignant were more common in advance age. Amongst all. serous cystadenoma is seen commonest type of ovarian tumors. Conclusion: The benign tumors of ovary are seen more prevalent than malignant tumors. The surface epithelial tumors were more prevalent before 40 years of age, while malignant were more common in advance age. The serous cystadenoma were commonest benign variety. 


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How to Cite

Kousar Parveen, Bandar Khatoon Chandio, Qamar Raza Brohi, Ghulam Asghar Chandio, Amir Harnzo Dahri, Qurratulain Soomro. (2018). Histopathological Variants of Ovarian Tumors in Fertile Age Groups Females. Journal of Peoples University of Medical &Amp; Health Sciences Nawabshah. (JPUMHS), 8(2), 110–116. Retrieved from